Build lasting,
transferrable skills.

We only have one set of mental skills. Strengthen them for everything you do – sports, school and life.

Weeks 1 to 13
Focus on Self
Wk 1: Start with Why
Wk 2: Control Controllables
Wk 3: Build Habits
Wk 4: Prioritize the Important
Wk 5: Set Clear Vision
Focus on Others
Wk 6: Grow with Mentors
Wk 7: Work with Others
Wk 8: Life as a Team Sport
Focus on Winning
Wk 9: Improve Balance
Wk 10: Listen with Intent
Wk 11: Be Grateful
Wk 12: Celebrate Strengths
Wk 13: Be Vulnerable

Weeks 14 to 26
Focus on Self
Wk 14: Habits that Win
Wk 15: Simple Wins
Wk 16: Build on Strengths
Wk 17: Habits to Actions
Wk 18: Build Your Story
Focus on Others
Wk 19: Grow with Coaching
Wk 20: Be with Winners
Wk 21: Compete for Others
Focus on Winning
Wk 22: Win the Now
Wk 23: You vs Yesterday
Wk 24: You vs Time
Wk 25: Competitor at Home
Wk 26: Professional Today

Weeks 27 to 39
Focus on Self
Wk 27: Bet the Example Today
Wk 28: Purpose is Contagious
Wk 29: Adapt and Overcome
Wk 30: Kaizen: Always Improve
Focus on Others
Wk 31: Best Listener on the Team
Wk 32: The Teammate Teacher
Wk 33: Build Teammates
Wk 34: Speak Truth Into Existence
Wk 35: Give Before Get
Focus on Winning
Wk 36: Embrace Expectations
Wk 37: Team First Instinct
Wk 38: Plant Tress
Wk 39: Leave Your Mark

Weeks 40 to 52
Focus on Self
Wk 40: Success is Best Effort
Wk 41: Lighthouse vs Judge
Wk 42: Emotion vs Emotionally
Wk 43: Adversity is Education
Focus on Others
Wk 44: Good Attracts Good
Wk 45: Deflect Credit
Wk 46: Take Blame
Wk 47: Motivate with Truth
Wk 48: Lead 3 Parts of the Person
Focus on Winning
Wk 49: Praise Quiet Performers
Wk 50: Leaders Eat Last
Wk 51: Teach to Lead
Wk 52: Be a Servant Leader
Prove you're prepared with growth certifications.
Show school admissions, coaches, recruiters, future employers and yourself that you are a one-percenter. Every 13 weeks won, you earn a Sevwins Growth Certification to share.